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Adresses et littérature

Frei H, Everts R, von Ammon K, Kaufmann F, Walther D, Hsu-Schmitz SF, Collenberg M, Fuhrer K, Hassink R, Steinlin M, Thurneysen A. Homeopathic treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial. European Journal of Pediatrics. Online-Publikation 07/2005; Eur J Ped 2005 164/12: 758-767.

Jäger T, Scherr C, Simon M, Heusser P, Baumgartner S. Effects of Homeopathic Arsenicum Album, Nosode, and Gibberellic Acid Preparations on the Growth Rate of Arsenic-Impaired Duckweed (Lemna Gibba L.). ScientificWorldJournal. 2010

Macías-Cortés, Emma Del Carmen, Llanes-González, Lidia, Aguilar-Faisal, Leopoldo, Asbun-Bojalil Juan, Response to Individualized Homeopathic Treatment for Depression in Climacteric Women with History of Domestic Violence, Marital Dissatisfaction or Sexual Abuse: Results from the HOMDEP-MENOP Study. Pubmed 2018

Tournier A, Klein S, Würtenberger S, Wolf  W, Baumgartner  S. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 1. J Altern Complement Med. 2018

Tournier A, Klein S, Würtenberger S, Wolf  W, Baumgartner  S. Physicochemical Investigations of Homeopathic Preparations: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis-Part 2. J Altern Complement Med.2019

Witt C, Claudia M. Witt, Lüdtke R, Willich S. Homeopathic Treatment of Patients with Migraine:A Prospective Observational Study with a 2-YearFollow-Up Period. Journal of alternative an complementary medicine. 2010

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